









本当は字幕なしで書き取るべきだけど、それはハードルが高いので、英語の字幕を再生しながら、スクリプトを書き取った。そうすると、以外の不明な単語は意外と少なかった。初めて見る単語としては、「fossil」だった。これはfossil fuelsとして使われていて、意味は化石燃料だ。英語のWikiで調べると次のような説明があった。このレベルの理解は必須だろう。

A fossil fuel is a hydrocarbon-containing material formed underground from the remains of dead plants and animals that humans extract and burn to release energy for use. The main fossil fuels are coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which humans extract through mining and drilling. Fossil fuels may be burnt to provide heat for use directly, to power engines, or to generate electricity. The principal origin of fossil fuels is the anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing organic molecules created in ancient photosynthesis. The transitions from these source materials to high-carbon fossil fuels typically require a geological process of millions of years, sometimes more than 650 million years.

(日本語訳)化石燃料とは、植物や動物の死骸から地下に形成された炭化水素を含む物質で、人間が取り出して燃やすことでエネルギーを放出し、利用するものである。主な化石燃料は、石炭、石油、天然ガスで、人間が採掘や掘削によって取り出したものである。化石燃料は、燃やして直接熱として利用したり、エンジンを動かしたり、発電したりすることができる。 化石燃料の主な起源は、太古の光合成で作られた有機分子を含む生物の死骸が埋もれ、嫌気的に分解されたものである。 このような原料が高炭素の化石燃料になるには、通常、数百万年、時には6億5千万年以上の地質学的プロセスが必要である。








1) The construction of large-scale power generation in deserts may have an enormous impact on the local ecosystem, weather, and environment.
2) As an alternative, Concentrating solar power can reduce the impact on the environment, but it must be transmitted to the point of consumption, stored in batteries, or converted to hydrogen, which is still inefficient and uneconomic.
3) The cost of solar power is dramatically decreasing and its efficiency is increasing, so the best combination of large scale and small to medium scale systems is needed. The use of small-scale solar power generation, especially in consumer areas and remote areas, is effective.






“We live in a world bathed in 5,000 times more energy than we consume as a species in the year.” Peter Diamandis

Every day, the sands of the Sahara Desert reach temperatures up to 80 degrees Celsius. Stretching over roughly nine million square kilometers, this massive desert receives about 22 million terawatt-hours of energy from the Sun every year. That`s well over 100 times more energy than humanity consumes annually. So, could covering the desert with solar panels solve our energy problems for good?

Solar panels work when light particles hit their surface with enough energy to knock electrons out of their stable bonds. On their journey back to stability, these electrons produce electricity. However, there`s a limit to how much power panels can generate. Solar panels can only interact with certain wavelengths of light, making it impossible to convert over half the sunlight they receive. And even light particles ther can convert often bounce off them. Without ever hitting an electron.  But thanks to clever scientists and engineers and substantial government investment, solar panels are generating more electricity than ever. Anti-reflective coatings and patterns on the panel`s surface create more opportunities for incoming light particles to hit electrons.  These techniques have increased commercial solar panel efficiency from the low-teens to 25%, with experimental models reaching up to 47%. What`s more, solar has gotten 89% cheaper over the last decade, thanks in part to global supply chains for other technologies that use the same materials. Together, these factors have made solar power the cheapest source of electricity on Earth. Counties including India, China, Egypt, and the US, have already taken these new panels into the desert. Their massive solar farms range from 15 to 56 square jukineters, and when the sun is high in the sky, these plants can provide energy for hundreds of thousands of local residents. But these farms also get extremely hot.  The light that solar cells don`t convert or reflect is absorbed as heat, which reduces a panel`s efficiency. And the cooling systems employed by many farms can use huge amounts of energy powering fans or moving water to maintain optimal temperatures. Even with these systems, solar panels in the desert absorb far more heat than the natural sandy environment. This hasn`t been a problem on the scale of existing solar farms.  But if we tried to cover the Sahara, this effect could create massive changes in the region`s climate.

Constructing solar farms already disrupts local ecosystems, but a plant of this scale could dramatically transform the desert landscape. Thankfully, solar panels aren`t our only option. And some of the largest solar plants in the world are trying a new approach: giant mirrors. Morocco`s Noor Power Plant, which will eventually cover roughly 30square kilometers of the Sahara, is a concentrated solar power plant.  This design reflects light onto a receiver, which converts that energy to heat, and then electricity. These mirrors still create a dangerous temperature shift for local wildlife, but they have less potential to transform the landscape.  And since it takes time for the materials being heated to cool off, these plants often continue producing electricity past sunset. Whether they use panels or mirrors, industrial solar farms are often easy to fit into existing energy infrastructure.  However, getting their electricity beyond local power grids is much more difficult.  Some countries are working on ways to connect electric grids across the globe.

And many farms store energy in massive batteries or convert their electricity into clean gas that can be used later.  But right now, these techniques are still too expensive and inefficient to rely on.  While still, industrial renewables can share some of the same problems as fossil fuels, relying on destructive mining operations and carbon-emitting global supply chains.

Fortunately, solar can exist on many scales, from industrial solar farms to smaller installations that power individual buildings and rural communities.  These projects can supplement energy use or provide a passive source of energy for regions off the grid. And since solar panels rely on o a few simple components, they’re quick to install and relatively easy to update.  In fact, it`s this flexibility that enables solar to become so cheap and ubiquitous over the last decade.  So if we want to keep up with humanity’s rising energy use, we`ll need answers both big and small.
