










(出典:National Geographic)





Q1) How many days can dolphins stay alert?


Q2) How long do frigatebirds sleep on the air compared to on the land?

渡り鳥は空中を長時間飛行する時には、気流に乗りながら数秒単位で睡眠をとるという説明があった。しかし、陸上の睡眠時間に比べると8%未満であり、睡眠時間に対する耐性が非常に高い。なので、”less than 8%”が正解か。学生時代に夕方から翌朝まで夜通し50km程度を歩き続けるイベントがあった。その時に初めて半分眠りながら歩き続けることが可能なことを体験した。きっとそんな感覚なのだろう。

Q3) People cannot sleep well when they participate in a sleep study for the first time. What is this phenomenon called?

初めて訪問した場所で初めて使うホテルの慣れないベッドに寝る時には、なかなか寝付けないことがある。自分の場合には、食事をして、用が済んだら、ベッド脇でつまみを頂きながらビールを飲んで、少し気になるサイトをスマホでチェックしながら眠ってしまうことが多い。朝は普段より早く目が覚めるのでシャワーを浴びて、身支度して出発だ。なお、正解は動画の中で、”first night effect”と呼んでいたので、これだろう。

Q4) In what situation do mallard ducks show unihemispheric sleep?


Q5) What is the posture known in fur seals where they float horizontally, holding their nostrils above the surface, closing their upward-facing eye, and keeping their downward-facing eye open?


Q6) Which animals are known to show unihemispheric sleep?

バンドウイルカのことを英語では”Bottlenose dolphin”という。イルカも半球睡眠を実践している。

Q7) When a person suffering from a sleep problem in a new place hears an infrequent sound, the person can

“first night effect”についての質問だ。そんな時に何をするかだ。結局次の3つ全てだったけど、これも難しいと思った。”respond faster”+”wake up faster”+”show a bump in brain activity in the left hemisphere”

Q8) Why do humans show asymmetric sleep with the first-night effect?


It’s because we sense danger. If a person does not feel anxious, the left and right hemispheres of the brain will sleep, but if a person is nervous or feels threatened, only one hemisphere will rest and prepare to respond immediately in the case.

Q9) Why do some marine mammals and birds show unihemispheric sleep?


It’s for survival. Dolphins live underwater but need to surface to breathe every few minutes. Birds that cross the ocean need to fly for 10 days or more in a row, and they respond by resting one side of their brain at a time.

Q10) Why do we sleep?


Sleeping is generally for the purpose of resting the body and mind. However, when it comes to our brains, it’s not just resting, but it also plays a role in organizing and regulating our short-term and long-term memory areas.






Let’s Begin…Many animals need sleep. But all of the threats and demands animals face don’t just go away when it’s time to doze. That’s why a range of birds, mammals, and even humans experience some degree of asymmetrical sleep, where parts of the brain are asleep and other areas are more active. So, how does it work? Masako Tamaki explores how animals’ brains remain vigilant even at their most vulnerable.

Many animals need sleep. Even brainless jellyfish enter sleep-like states where they are pulseless and respond more slowly to food and movement. But all of the threats and demands animals face do not just go away when it is time to doze. That is why a range of birds and mammals experience some degree of asymmetrical sleep where parts of their brain are asleep and other areas are more active. 

This is even true for humans. So how does it work? All vertebrate brains consist of two hemispheres: the right and left. Brain activity is usually similar across both during sleep. But during asymmetrical sleep, one brain hemisphere can be in deep sleep while the other is in lighter sleep. And in an extreme version called “unihemispheric sleep”, one hemisphere may appear completely awake while the other is in deep sleep. 

Take bottlenose dolphins. Their breathing is consciously controlled, and they must surface for air every few minutes or they will drown. When they have a newborn calf, they must actually swim nonstop for weeks in order to keep it safe. So dolphins sleep unihemisphericallly, with just one hemisphere at a time. This allows them to continue swimming and breathing while snoozing. 

Other marine mammals also need asymmetrical sleep. Fur seals might spend weeks on end migrating at sea. They slip into unihemispheric sleep while floating horizontally, holding their nostrils above the surface, closing their upward-facing eye, and keeping their downward-facing eye open. This may help them stay alert to threats from the depths. 

Similar pressures keep birds partially awake. Mallard ducks sleep in groups, but some must inevitably be on the peripheries. Those ducks spend more time in unihemispheric sleep, with their outward-facing eyes open and their corresponding brain hemispheres more active. Other birds have been shown to catch z’s in midair migration. While undertaking non-stop transoceanic flights of up to 10 days, frigatebirds either sleep with one or both hemispheres at a time. They do so in secnds-long bursts, usually while riding air currents. But the frigatebirds still sleep less than 8% of what they would on land, suggesting a great tolerance for sleep deprivation. 

It is currently unclear whether asymmetrical sleep packs the same benefits as sleep in both hemispheres and how this varies across species. In one experiment, fur seals relied on asymmetrical sleep while being constantly stimulated. But in recovery, they showed a strong preference for sleep across both hemispheres, suggesting that it was more restorative for them. Dolphins, on the other hand, have been observed to maintain high levels of alertness for at least five days. By switching wich hemisphere is awake. They get several hours of deep sleep in each hemisphere throughout a 24-hour period. 

This may be why unihemispheric sleep alone meets their needs. So, what about humans?

Have you ever woken up groggy after your first night in a new place? Part of your brain might have spent the night only somewhat asleep. For decades, scientists have recognized that participants sleep poorly the first night in the lab. It is actually customary to toss out that night’s data. In 2016, scientists discovered that this “first-night effect” is a very subtle version of asymmetrical sleep in humans. They saw that, during the first night, participants experience deeper sleep in their right hemisphere and lighter sleep in their left. When exposed to infrequent sounds, that lighter sleeping left hemisphere showed greater bumps inactivity. Participants also woke up and responded to infrequent sounds faster during the first night than when experiencing deep sleep in both hemispheres during the nights following. 

This suggests that, like other animals, humans use asymmetrical sleep for vigilance, specifically in unfamiliar environments. So, while your hotel room is obviously not trying to eat you and you are not going to die if you do not continue moving, your brain is still keeping you alert. Just in case. 
