
















Q1) When we listen to speech, how often do we identify the correct word?


Q2) Which of the following doesn’t helps us to recognize words quickly?

音の意味を理解するために脳は平衡的な処理を行うとあった。大きな声で話すという説明はなかったので、”Speaking louder”だ。

Q3) When does the brain start to access the meaning of a word during speech comprehension?

音を聞きながら文脈をベースにして単語を聞き分けるので、”Before the word is identified”だろう。

Q4) On average, how often do adults learn a new word?


Q5) Which part of the brain helps us to learn new words?


Q6) When we recognize speech, what is the advantage of having processing units that are dedicated to the recognition of just one word?


In the case of words with multiple meanings or homonyms, it is necessary to dig deep into the context to understand the meaning of the word, but if the word has only one meaning, it is easy to recognize.

Q7) Would recognition of written words operate in the same way as for spoken words?


In spoken language, the moment we hear the first few syllables of a word, we associate it with the corresponding word group, whereas in the case of written language, no such analogical processing is necessary.

Q8) How does sleep help us to learn new words?


Sleep helps us to organise our language. New words are first stored in the hippocampus, but after repeated use and many nights of sleep, they are mixed up with old words and stored in the cortex.






The average 20 year old knows between 27,000 and 52,000 different words. By age 60, that number averages between 35,000 and 56,000. Spoken out oud, most of these words last less than a second. So with every word, the brain has a quick decision to make: Which of those thousands of options matches the signal? About 98% of the time, the brain chooses the correct word. 

But how?

Speech comprehension is different from reading comprehension, but it is similar to sign language comprehension – though spoken word recognition has been studied more than sign language. The key to our ability to understand speech is the brain’s role as a parallel processor, meaning that it can do multiple different things at the same time.  Most theories assume that each word we know is represented by a separate processing unit that has just one job: to assess the likelihood of incoming speech matching that particular word. 

In the context(文脈) of the brain, the processing unit that represents a word is likely a pattern of firing activity across a group of neurons in the brain’s cortex(大脳皮質). When we hear the beginning of a word, several thousand such units may become active,  because with just the beginning of a word, there are many possible matches. Then, as the word goes on, more and more units register that some vital piece of information is missing and lose activity. 

Possibly well before the end of the word, just one firing pattern remains active, corresponding to one word. This is called the ‘recognition point(認識点)’. In the process of honing in on one word, the active units suppress the activity of others, saving vital milliseconds. 

Most people can comprehend up to about 8 syllables(音節) per second. Yet, the goal is not only to recognize the word but also to access its stored meaning. The brain accesses many possible meanings at the same time before the word has been fully identified. We know this from studies that show that even upon hearing a word fragment – like ‘cap’ – listeners will start to register multiple possible meanings, like captain or capital, before the full word emerges. 

This suggests that every time we hear a word there is a brief explosion of meanings in our minds, and by the recognition point the brain has settled on one interpretation. The recognition process moves more rapidly with a sentence that gives us context than in a random string of words. 

Context also helps guide us towards the intended meaning of words with multiple interpretations, like ‘bat’, or ‘crane’, or in cases of homophones(同音異義語) like ‘no’ or ‘know’. For multilingual people, the language they are listening to is another cue, used to eliminate potential words that do not match the language context. So, what about adding completely new words to this system? 

Even as adults, we may come across a new word every few days. But if every word is represented as a fine-tuned pattern of activity distributed over many neurons, how do we prevent new words from overwriting old ones? We think that to avoid this problem, new words are initially stored in a part of the brain called the hippocampus(海馬), well away from the main store of words in the cortex(大脳皮質), so they do not share neurons with other words. 

Then, over multiple nights of sleep, the new words gradually transfer over and interweave with old ones. Researchers think this gradual acquisition process helps avoid disrupting existing words. So in the daytime, unconscious activity generates explosions of meaning as we chat away. At night, we rest, but our brains are busy integrating new knowledge into the word network. 

When we wake up, this process ensures that we are ready for the ever-changing world of language. 
