





ポテト(potato)といえば、ジャガイモだ。ジャガイモはナス科の植物で、南アメリカのアンデス山脈が原産地だ。今では世界中で栽培されていて、デンプンを貯める地下茎が美味しい。一方、さつまいも(sweet potato)も、日本語では同じ芋だし、英語でも同じpotatoだけど、ヒルガオ科の植物で、肥大した根を食する。これも中南米が原産地で世界中で栽培されている。ジャガイモもさつまいももともに、栄養価が高いし、美味しいけど、品種としては大きく異なっていた。



ジャガイモの起源を探ると、「イモは7,000年前にペルー南部のチチカカ湖(Lake Titicaca)周辺で最初に栽培された。」と国連サイトに掲載された。ただ、チリは、これに反論していて、オランダの7000種以上のイモはチリ産のジャガイモと遺伝子的な繋がりを持つとチリ起源説を主張している。動画では、8,000年前に南米のアンデス山脈の高地で古代ペルー人が初めてジャガイモを栽培し、インカ帝国を築くための完璧な食糧になったと解説している。インカ帝国は、縄文人と同様に縄算が使われていたことは以前投稿した。なぜ、インカ帝国は標高の高いところに住んだのか、なぜマチュピチュに代表されるほど発展したのかが謎だったけど、その秘密の一つは芋だったのかもしれない。スペイン人は南米で芋を発見し、持ち帰った。大航海時代には野菜不足による壊血病が深刻なリスクとなるが、ジャガイモを食べるとビタミンC欠乏症にはならないことを学んだようだ。一説によると、江戸末期にペリー提督が函館開港を迫ったのは捕鯨船乗組員へのジャガイモと水の補給が目的だと言われている。







(出典:the guardian)





Q1) The ______ civilization was aided by the potato’s nutritional value.


Q2) The potato was too closely related to which deadly species of plant for some European’s comfort?

南米からヨーロッパにジャガイモが持ち込まれた時には、毒性のある、あるナデシコ(Deadly nightshade)に似ているので、敬遠された。

Q3) The Irish potato famine occurred between


Q4) Which country brought the potato to Europe?


Q5) How many Irish starved to death during the Irish potato famine?


Q6) How did the potato help bring about the Industrial Revolution?


Potatoes became an important source of nutrition for the growing working class, whose labor supported the Industrial Revolution.

Q7) What other reasons could the Europeans have had for not wanting to eat potatoes at first?


Europeans were reluctant to eat potatoes at first because the plant resembled belladonna, which is toxic.

Q8) What were the main countries to which the Irish migrants fled?


For many Irish immigrants, the new home was the USA. However, there was a sad structure that British immigrants discriminated against Irish immigrants.






Let’s Begin…

Baked or fried, boiled or roasted, as chips or fries. At some point in your life, you have probably eaten a potato. Delicious, for sure, but the fact is potatoes have played a much more significant role in our history than just that of the dietary staple we have come to know and love today. Without the potato, our modern civilization might not exist at all. 

8,000 years ago in South America, high atop the Andes, ancient Peruvians were the first to cultivate the potato. Containing high levels of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as essential fats, vitamins, and minerals, potatoes were the perfect food source to fuel a large Incan working class as they built and farmed their terraced fields, mined the Rocky Mountains, and created the sophisticated civilization of the great Incan Empire. 

But considering how vital they were to the Incan people when Spanish sailors returning from the Andes first brought potatoes to Europe, the spuds(ジャガイモ) were duds(不発弾).  Europeans simply didn’t want to eat what they considered dull and tasteless oddities from a strange new land, too closely related to the deadly nightshade plant belladonna for comfort. 

So instead of consuming them, they used potatoes as decorative garden plants. More than 200 years would pass before the potato caught on as a major food source throughout Europe, though even then, it was predominantly eaten by the lower classes. 

However, beginning around 1750, and thanks at least in part to the wide availability of inexpensive and nutritious potatoes, European peasants with greater food security no longer found themselves at the mercy of the regularly occurring grain famines(飢餓) of the time, and so their populations steadily grew. 

As a result, the British, Dutch, and German Empires rose on the backs of the growing groups of farmers, laborers, and soldiers, thus lifting the West to its place of world dominion. However, not all European countries sprouted empires. 

After the Irish adopted the potato, their population dramatically increased, as did their dependence on the tuber as a major food staple(主食). But then disaster struck. 

From 1845 to 1852, potato blight disease ravaged the majority of Ireland’s potato crop, leading to the Irish Potato Famine, one of the deadliest famines in world history. Over a million Irish citizens starved to death, and w million more left their homes behind.

But of course, this wasn’t the end for the potato.  The crop eventually recovered, and Europe’s population, especially the working classes, continued to increase. 

Aided by the influx of Irish migrants, Europe now had a large, sustainable, and well-fed population who were capable of manning the emerging factories that would bring about our modern world via the Industrial Revolution. 

So it’s almost impossible to imagine a world without the potato. Would the Industrial Revolution ever have happened? Would World War II have been lost by the Allies without this easy-to-grow crop that fed the Allied troops?

Would it even have started? When you think about it like this, many major milestones in world history can all be at least partially attributed to the simple spud from the Peruvian hilltops. 


